The Competition

Important Note: The below competitors listed are considered as such because they offer the same service as we do. However, the environmental challenge is too big to be competing with companies that are aiming at helping the planet by involving each and every citizen in France. Therefore, we are looking to collaborate with the most recycling companies possible in order to collect the biggest amount of trash and to raise awareness to the largest audience possible.

The company collects, treats and values the worth of domestic waste of more than 5.3 million people living in Paris and its suburbs. It works along with the government in an effort to reduce waste by educating and helping people better separate their rubbish. Syctom provides bins of different colors with each color standing for a waste type (for instance: yellow is for plastic and paper trash etc.) Syctom treats different material ranging from food, paper, glass, furniture , bio waste etc. Syctom aims to re-use it instead of pulling from our limited natural resources. Syctom actions act in support of the “zero waste “ program. Syctom sells its bins for 25,000 euros !

The company sells solutions to more than 50,000 companies in recycling their packaging and paper. Citeo aims to transform used paper into new resources to be used. Citeo’s vision relies on the principle that developing eco-friendly habits within companies will have influence citizens to do the same in the realm of their personal lives. The company has offices in the 8 biggest cities of France in order for their action to resonate at a national level.

The company specializes in the collection and recycling of lamp bulbs, professional electric equipment and extinguishers. It operates in France and is fully supported by the government. Recyclum aims to help companies develop eco-friendly solutions for their products to have a second life and therefore be put on the market again. While its main target are companies, Recyclum also extends its services to consumers.

Is the first independent recycling business in France and the leader in the recycling industry in France and Europe. The company collects and treats all type of waste at a national level. It recycles waste to produce raw material. Has an “easyrecyclage” box system constitutes a solution for recycling office trash


Cannibal is a startup created by students from one of France’s top business schools EM Lyon. The company specializes in the recycling of drinks packaging. It is usually to be found near coffee vending machines in corporations. The boxes recycle bottles, cans and plastic cups. These machines are very interactive as they “call” the user and “talk” to him. They also provide mini games. Every time a user puts something in the recycling bin, the screen puts on a mini game where the user can win organic food, discounts, or even donate money for a NGO. Their main clients are sixty corporations, among them 15 belong to the CAC40 stock market index, as well as universities and stations. In addition to providing a recycling service, the startup offers CSR consulting services to many company to help them adopt new environmentally oriented actions.

Green creative is a French startup company which uses a connected bin to recycle the three main types of waste thrown in public: plastic bottles, plastic cups and cans. The technology of the machines allows for it to recognize the trash, accept it or reject it and send it to the right compartment. The machine collects the information and sends it to an operator which processes the info. The bins cost no more 4,000 euros. The company’s main client include: cleaning companies, collecting companies, vending machine companies, facility managers for public places that have a lot of trash (i.e. themed parks, airports, stations etc). Green Creative’s main competitive advantage is the ability of the trash to recognize and reject trash that does not correspond.

Our competitive advantage


We are not aiming at replacing the system put in place but rather, we want to reinforce the efficiency of the system. Also, we are seeking to expand the reach and awareness of recycling in France to an even larger community.


Our competitive advantage is to create an incentive for citizen to not only collect and recycle their garbage an eco-friendly way, but to also pick up random trash. The incentive is our eco points reward system. For a certain amount of point, citizen can receive eco-friendly products or service (food, clothes, tools etc) from our partners. Therefore, the more they collect and recycle, the more they will benefit.

Our competitors’ main target are companies rather than consumers. Smartbin distinguishes itself by involving directly the citizen in the recycling process.

Many companies aims to raise awareness about the issue, but they forget that recycling has not been a natural habit for Parisians. Therefore, for them to be sensitive to the issue it is important to provide an incentive. We are convinced that our reward system will make people more willing to take action. More than helping their communities, citizens who earn point will also make eco-friendly businesses grow. Thus, the whole eco-system will gain more recognition and will have a chance to spread its message to an ever larger audience.